Demand Planning
Demand Planning Solutions
Demand Planning is a critical process in which organizations estimate future customer demand using historical data and various quantitative and statistical techniques.
It plays a pivotal role in helping organizations make informed business decisions, manage risks, and plan their capital investments and expansion strategies.
Poor Demand Planning can lead to inaccurate forecasts, which causes excess inventory, or even more costly which is when you have to face inventory stock outs resulting in Delivery delays or Sale loss.
By implementing Planvisage's Demand Planning solution, organizations can streamline their demand forecasting processes, improve accuracy, and make more data-driven decisions, resulting in cost savings and more efficient operations.
Statistical Forecasting

Planvisage uses the powerful R statistical forecasting engine incorporating the best time series techniques available anywhere worldwide.
There are various techniques for demand forecasting, and the choice of technique depends on factors like business understanding, the stage of the business, and market understanding. Commonly used forecasting techniques include,
Moving Average: Calculates the average of historical data within a specific time window to predict future demand.
Exponential Smoothing: Gives more weight to recent data points, making it responsive to recent changes in demand.
Regression Analysis: Uses statistical models to identify relationships between demand and other factors like price, promotions, and external variables.
Holt-Winters and Croston: Specialized methods for forecasting time series data with seasonality and intermittent demand patterns.
In addition, we have the capability to add your own statistical algorithms.
Planvisage provides a platform to arrive at consensus demand through it’s S&OP functionality. Once you have the statistical forecast from R as a baseline, organization can then input their sales or marketing intelligence (Demand intelligence) and operational (Supply intelligence) constraints and arrive at a balanced Consensus as their final demand plan. S&OP functionality of Planvisage includes –
Sales And Operation Planning (S&OP)

Tailored Data Views: Each Functional area within your organization will have access to their relevant data views.
Unlimited Hierarchies: Enjoy the flexibility of creating an unlimited number of hierarchies and parallel hierarchies.
Merchandising and Control: Merchandisers can effortlessly group products into departments and sub-departments, streamlining their control.
Comprehensive Review: Buyer/planners, operations, sales personnel, and sales managers can review data according to their specific criteria, whether in aggregate or detail.
Flexible Forecast Adjustments: Make forecast adjustments from the top-down, bottom-up, or anywhere in between.
Versatile Data Analysis: Examine data in units, cost, selling price, margin, volume, weight, and percentages, all calculated on-the-fly for maximum flexibility and accuracy.
Enhanced Forecasting: Leverage our industry-leading R forecasting engine to reduce safety inventory while maintaining high-quality predictions.
Performance Metrics: Detailed forecasting supports precise budgeting and performance measurement, fostering accountability and responsive action.
Graphical Insights: Visualize data with compelling graphical displays, including dual forecasting graphs for trend and seasonality analysis.
Historical Linking: Utilize our supper session functionality to link old and new items for meaningful historical context and effective forecasting of new products.
Provides a single window for viewing and aggregating data, including inventory levels, replenishment, and deployment information.
Can significantly enhance forecast accuracy, while using sophisticated statistical techniques and S&OP functionality.
Offers a unified system for data collation, comparison with statistical forecasts, and efficient dispatch planning.
6. Unified System
5. Improved Forecast Accuracy
4. Visibility and Reporting
Utilizes historical sales data
and statistical techniques
to generate accurate
demand forecasts.
Enables collaboration between different levels of the organization for consensus forecasting.
Allows different roles within the organization to view and edit demand quantities based on their responsibilities.
3. Role-Based Authorization
2. Collaboration Mechanism
1. Automated Forecasting
Demand Planning Benefits
ABC Analysis
XYZ Analysis (frequency of demand)
Unlimited Data Measures
Graphical Displays with Line, Bar and Pie charts
Operate Daily, Weekly or Monthly
Product Rank
User Defined Filter
Gregorian Calendar
13 by 4 Week Calendar
4-4-5, 4-5-4, 5-4-4 13 Week Quarters
Parallel Product Hierarchy
Parallel Region Hierarchy
UOM Conversion Factors
Waterfall Chart
Historical; Orders or Shipments
Best Fit, Adjusted or Sales Forecast
Customer Forecast
Custom Data Measure with User Defined Formulas
User, Password, Role Sign In
User Control by Product, Region, Data Measure
Role limit to Add, Edit, Delete, View
Notes on Forecast Change
Custom Validation
4. Security
3. Data Measures
2. Flexibility
1. Function
Demand Planning Features
Demand Planning Clients
We are excited to join your journey towards an efficient Supply Chain.